8 Reasons Why Ergonomics Makes The Difference

There are some very good reasons to practice ergonomics. The concept behind ergonomics is simple and yet, many people are reluctant to make the changes necessary to incorporate ergonomics into everyday life. As with any other change in life, it does take some concerted effort to do things differently. Understanding why ergonomics are a good idea may help you make the change a little sooner.

1) Reduce Injuries - One of the biggest reasons to consider ergonomics as a lifestyle is because it will reduce injuries. While many employees suffer from various aches and pains, many of them could be avoided by recognizing and addressing symptoms early. While many work places now have ergonomic instructions and programs, there are still many that don't. It doesn't matter if employees are lifting heavy machinery, baking cakes or working at a computer, ergonomics will make all the difference.

2) Increase Productivity - It's no secret that when workers feel better, they do a better job. When their efforts at work can be reduced by enforcing ergonomic principles, they are going to be more productive and that means greater profit for your company. Also, aches and pains can be reduced, meaning that employees feel better in general.

3) Quality of Life is Improved - Life is so much better when one is feeling good. There is motivation, determination and enthusiasm. However, when one does not feel well from work-related injuries such as Repetitive Stress Disorder (RSD) or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), she will not be able to enjoy life. Mentally and physically, one can become very unhappy and even depressed when she is unable to do activities that she enjoys because she does not feel well. Listening to your body can go a long way in helping you get out of a rut and enable you to become refreshed and excited about life again.

4) Better Attitudes - Along with reducing injuries and increasing productivity comes better attitudes. While people can work under less than perfect conditions, it is reflected in their attitudes. Employers don't always take this into account, but morale is extremely important to productivity and efficiency. When employees feel good physically, it improves their emotional stability and enables them to not only get more work done but to feel better while they do it. The opposite of this is a person who does not feel well due to poor working conditions and/or ergonomics. He complains about his health, misses work, and is irritable and grouchy to the other employees, which affects their day as well. Employees with bad attitudes can dampen morale throughout the whole work place.

5) Reduce Fatigue - Minimizing fatigue throughout the day means having more energy at the end of the workday. Regardless of what you do each day at work, if you are straining and stressing your body, you will be exhausted at the end of the day. This will result in an inability to do the things that you enjoy. Sitting in a sturdy ergonomic chair throughout the day will give your body the support it needs. This will result in a stronger back, neck and arms that are not worn out from being in awkward, unnatural positions all day. In turn, you will be able to leave work rested and ready to enjoy time with your family.

6) Absenteeism Reduced - CTDs account for most of the "lost time injuries" according to OSHA. In other words, people miss work just because they don't feel well. Upon visiting their doctors, they learn that they have sore muscles or RSD or some other vague problem that can't be treated by a doctor. Upon questioning, however, many physicians realize that their patients' jobs are causing their health issues and will thus suggest either improved conditions, such as a better office chair. On the other hand, if a patient is feeling very poorly, the doctor may even suggest time off of work, which of course, results in lost productivity for your company.

7) Less Insurance Work - Dealing with the insurance aspect of any company can be a hassle for both the employer and his employees. Claims must be filed, forms must be completed, doctors and hospitals must be called - there is truly a wide range of tasks that must be done when dealing with insurance companies. When employees are taken care of, however, the need for medical care if often unnecessary, helping to reduce insurance work for all parties.

8) Less Employee Turnover - Last, but not least is the reduction in workers quitting. It's stressful to train new people because of the paperwork, training and acclimation to a new workplace. When injuries are reduced and morale is increased, however, fewer employees are likely to quit. This is profitable for your company and gives you a good reputation in the community.

These are just a few of the positive things that can happen when a company begins implementing an ergonomic mindset for the employers and employees alike. From the CEO down to the guy making minimum wage, ergonomics will help make everyone more satisfied and healthier. Ergonomics can and will make a difference for anyone who is willing to give it a try.

Is it time to make some improvements to the workplace? Ergonomic chairs and ergonomic desks can help improve production and the quality of life for office workers. We at Kare Products invite you to visit our website to discover a variety of office products for your business.

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