The Importance of Ergonomics at Work

Working in an sedentary job all day can leave your with multiple aches and pains at the end of the day. Fortunately, by making a few easy adjustments to your workspace, you can greatly improve your comfort.

Office ergonomics is a popular topic of discussion, especially with increases the past few years in repetitive motion injuries and chronic pain conditions. However, ergonomics actually refers to the relationship between a worker and the various furniture, equipment, or materials used in a job. For an office worker, this means items like desk layout, chair positioning, equipment settings, and so forth are considered.

Key Ergonomic Terms

The following terms are often used in reference to workplace ergonomics:

• Primary Work Zone, which is the distance from elbow to hand. This is the distance in which items are comfortable to use.
• Secondary Work Zone includes the remainder of the area within arm's reach.
• Reference Zone is the area outside the two zones above.

Tips for Office Arrangement

Arrange your desk with the above three zones in mind to help with office ergonomics and reduce physical strain. Placing constantly used items such as keyboard and telephones within the primary work zone means you do not have to stretch and reach as far. Placing commonly used items within the secondary work zone also further helps lessen physical strain. Using the reference zone for those items seldom used allows you to keep them in the vicinity but not take up valuable primary or secondary work zone space.

Some other things to consider when it comes to designing your office environment include:

• Place computer monitors or screens at an angle away from windows to reduce glare from sunlight.
• Keep the area under and around your desk clear of boxes and other materials.
• If it helps, use a wrist support for the keyboard and mouse to reduce strain on the joints.
• Keep the monitor or screen approximately 18 to 30 inches from your eyes.
• Remove any sources of reflective light such as shiny posters.
• Adjust the height of the monitor or screen so the top is at eye level, or slightly lower if you wear bi-focals.
• If you spend a lot of time on the telephone, use a hands-free headset.

A properly designed work environment is vital to your overall health. Spending the time to arrange your office ergonomically will payoff in a much more comfortable time at your desk.

To learn more about the importance of ergonomics in the workplace and to find the best ergonomic office chair visit our office chair review site.

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Workplace Ergonomics - Tips to Achieve A Comfortable Work Environment

I first began to appreciate the importance concerning ergonomics in the workplace when I began to work in an office setting almost 10 years ago. Prior to that, I was aware that in certain scenarios following periods of heavy typing while at a keyboard, my wrists would be sore for some time afterwards. But at that time, I did not fully grasp just what it was that was causing my discomfort. Shortly after beginning work with my current employer, I became familiar with the term known as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition that results from the compression of the median nerve as it passes through the carpal tunnel of the wrist. For an illustration showing the location of the median nerve in the wrist, you may go to the website and begin a search using the words Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. If this condition goes unchecked, it can lead to discomfort levels in the wrists ranging from mild to moderate and severe. A common symptom experienced is a tingling sensation ranging from the thumb and up through the index finger.

The wrists are not the only portions of the body that can be subject to pain and discomfort from prolonged usage of a computer while sitting at a desk. The elbows, shoulders, neck and back are also potential areas of concern that can pose serious problems over the course of time if appropriate preventive measures are not put into place. Headaches can also result if you are sitting too close to the monitor or if there is too much reflective glare from existing lighting.

A few months after beginning work at my new office, I began to experience mild inflammation in my right wrist. I spoke to my supervisor to appraise him of the situation and that is where I learned about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. He also suggested that an ergonomic evaluation be performed at my workstation with the intent of avoiding any other situations that could possibly arise. A subsequent visit to my doctor confirmed that in fact I did have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Some of my coworkers underwent surgery to correct the symptoms they were experiencing from Carpal Tunnel but I was intent on doing everything I could to make sure I did not need the operation as well.

The term ergonomics originates from the Greek ergon, meaning work, and nomos, meaning natural laws. The overall concept of ergonomics takes into account of ensuring that the equipment being used as well as the overall environment that it is being used in is fitted to the needs of the worker with the intention of preventing repetitive motion injuries. If you are not sure what a repetitive motion injury feels like, imagine how your knees would feel after walking up and down a flight of stairs for an extended period of time.

A staff member at my office who had received specialized training in ergonomics came to my desk and took a series of measurements. Things such as my height, the height of my desk, the angle of my legs when sitting, the angle of my elbows while typing, wrist angle, type of keyboard being used as well as angle of my vision in relation to the height of the monitor were noted. From there, various adjustments of the height for my monitor, desk and chair were made and after that I was told that everything should be fine. The recommendation was made for me to ensure that I took a break now and then and rotated my wrists back and forth to minimize any strain resulting from prolonged keyboarding.

After receiving a promotion to supervisor and reporting to my current office, I was selected to receive training for the purpose of learning how to conduct an ergonomic evaluation. It was there that I learned about the necessary adjustments of a person's workstation so that as a result, the staff member would be sitting in what is called a position of neutral posture. A neutral posture position will basically result in your legs being at a right angle when sitting, your forearms and wrists will be straight when typing and the angle of your seat will be at 90 degrees with proper lumbar support being provided. The shoulders should also be straight, not hunched up or slouching. Your level of horizontal vision should be such that you are looking at the top of the actual monitor screen with the angle of your neck being perpendicular to the floor. To view an illustration that outlines proper posture while using a computer at a workstation, click here.

A wide variety of ergonomic equipment is available for use in the workplace. Gel pads can be used to support the wrists when using a keyboard and mouse. Ergonomic chairs allow for various adjustments to be made with the intent of enhancing personnel comfort. A glare protector can be installed to cut down on glare from monitor screens and reduce the possibility of headaches occuring. An electric stapler can be used in place of a manual one. Braces can be worn on the wrists to provide additional support. You may wish to give thought to using a document holder that places your documents directly in front of you so that you don't have to look at them with your neck facing to the side of your monitor. Think about having an ergonomic, contoured keyboard in place if your wrists continue to bother you. It is good to have frequently used items within a 180 degree angle reach so you can get them easily without the need to lean forward and put strain on your back.

If you are one who finds yourself experiencing problems at the workplace as a result of prolonged computer and keyboard usage, bring the matter up with your supervisor. See if it is possible to have an ergonomic evaluation performed for your workstation. Simple adjustments at your desk can make a major difference in your comfort while working.

The content of this article is based upon the personal experiences of the author and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You can also apply suggestions outlined in this article to places at home where a computer is used. But by all means, take a proactive approach to making sure that your desk is ergonomically friendly. Don't let ignorance result in potential long-term discomfort and problems for you.

Erik von Werlhof is a retired Navy veteran who currently lives in Sacramento, CA with his wife Betty. He works as a program manager in an office environment setting. Since receiving specialized training in ergonomics, he has performed dozens of ergonomic evaluations in the workplace and routinely provides counseling to staff on various ergonomic related issues. To learn more about what can be done for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, visit:

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Back Pain Products: Ergonomic Chair Accessories

For those who cannot obtain an ergonomic chair and those whose ergonomic chairs aren't enough to alleviate back pain, there are numerous orthopedic chair accessories on the market. These back pain products assist in alleviating pressure on the spine and easing tension on lower back muscles.

Much of the lower back pain experienced today is the result of poor posture, particularly for those whose jobs require long-distance driving or sitting in an office chair all day. The following back pain products are designed to counter the harmful effects of sitting.

Lumbar Cushions

When sitting for long periods of time, most people have a difficult time maintaining their natural lumbar arch. This is because the weight of the upper body bears on the muscles of the core, which give out eventually if they are not conditioned. This allows the shoulders to stoop and the lower spine to flatten. In this position, the spine is strained and the lower back muscles are forced to support the upper body without the abdominal muscles engaged to assist. Lumbar cushions are designed to maintain the natural arch of the lumbar spine, providing support to the lower back muscles and encouraging proper posture.

Lumbar supports are very helpful for many types of back pain, but not every type. Those with spinal arthritis, for example, should be cautious of these cushions, since enhancing the arch of the lumbar spine could cause painful compression of the joints.

Amazon customers report widespread satisfaction with various cushions. According to their reviews, the two main complaints with lumbar cushions are design and density. Many of these cushions have winged sides; they may not mold properly with a seat that also has winged sides. Some also feel that certain brands are too soft and provide inadequate support. Make sure the chair or seat you're adding a cushion to will actually fit it, and test density if possible before making a purchase.

Wedge Cushions

These foam seat cushions have a wedge design that tilts your pelvis forward, alleviating pressure off the tailbone. Many of these cushions have a built-in gap where your coccyx would rest to facilitate further decompression. Tilting the pelvis forward encourages the spine to maintain its natural S-shape curve.

Amazon reviewers are largely happy with their wedge cushions, but the common complaint pertains to density. Some are very firm, while others are very soft. If you are a petite person, a softer cushion may be capable of providing adequate support, whereas a firm one may cause painful compression in the buttocks. For a larger person, a soft cushion may simply flatten out and fail to tilt the pelvis. Take firmness into consideration when choosing what to purchase.

Comfort Seats

Composed of either thin plastic or foam, the comfort seat is designed to cup the buttocks and provide support to the pelvic bones, which serve as a foundation for the spine. On top of encouraging proper posture, this product is designed to support the tailbone. Some comfort seats also tilt the pelvis forward as wedge cushions do, but by different design.

Based on product reviews from Amazon and QVC customers, the main complaint with seats like the Relaxo-Bak is that they can be too big for some users. The plastic can dig into the backs of your legs and fail to match up with your pelvic bones. Some users prefer the more expensive foam seats by Backjoy to the plastic for both comfort and support.

It is important to remember that these back pain products are designed to assist your body temporarily, not replace core strength. These accessories will only help to alleviate some of your back pain; true relief comes from solving the problem that caused it. If core weakness is plaguing your back, it will affect your posture when standing and moving. Consider these products aides to recovery, not cures.

To help you decide if these products are right for you, refer to and and search for the product you're interested in. These sites allow you to compare prices and read customer reviews. Most of these accessories are relatively inexpensive, and are worth a try if your chair or car seat is uncomfortable. Chair accessories could be a useful supplement to your back pain relief plan.

Education in back pain is the cheapest form of self preservation. Learn about what causes back pain and 4 other things that cause sciatic nerve pain.

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Three Therapeutic Movements for Providing Comfort in Ergonomic Chairs

Back Therapy provides massage to the spine within each individual vertebra and will be a positive way to start your day, while you are sitting performing your productive activity such as typing on the computer.

To do this effectively, you first need to sit on your pelvic bones, as this will position your spine in an erect and relaxed position. Move your spine around until you can feel both pelvic bones beneath the seat of the chair.

Now that you are sitting on your pelvic bones, you have the ability to move your spine while it remains erect above your pelvic bones. Your feet can either be positioned safely on the floor, or you can move them back to curl them around the base of the chair. This type of change creates movement and does not damage your spine, but keeps the spine active in movement.

So sitting on your pelvic bones is your first therapeutic process for your back, because this is the only way it will help your spine along with the rest of your body keep moving.

Now the second part of your therapy is to give your body a big stretch, before you start working. A big stretch will wake up your body's muscles in all parts of your upper limbs and torso; making them feel ready to get moving in productive activity.

So put your hands in the prayer position in front of you, then simultaneously take a deep breath and push both hands up vertically in front of you; while guiding the tips of your fingers towards you.

As your hands are raised up with the tips of the fingers pointing towards you, they will to begin to separate out at the palms; but keep them moving higher and higher until both hands are stretched out in the air as high as they can reach. You should then be at the maximum for your inhalation.

This is the moment to feel! All the muscles in your upper body are stretched out to full capacity. All the muscles including those in your head are straining and desperately needing air.

Now gradually relax, taking a slow exhale and allow your arms to come down slowly by your side, so that you produced a large arc with the arms until they are returned to the starting position on your lap.

By this time you should have completed your exhalation and be ready to do normal breathing again. I call this movement the Sunrise Salutation, for waking up entire body that starts your day of productive activity when working at the computer each morning.

The third movement is to lift one pelvic bone and then the other, for making sure that you are comfortable and secure in your sitting position on your pelvic bones. You will now feel so much more energized and ready to start your day of prolonged sitting. The combined action of moving your pelvic bones and occasional deep breathing will help to make you much more comfortable in prolonged sitting.

Prolonged Sitting is about consistently moving your spine while you are in the sitting position. The gliding motion of the vertebrae enables a massaging provision along the spine and enables it to continue to move in comfort for normal and pain-free action throughout the day of ergonomic sitting.

The author Gail McGonigal is a qualified Occupational Therapist who Gail is now developing a brand new niche market for Baby Boomers, who have aches and pains in their skeletal joints. This is largely because of the western style of living which comes from lack of exercise when driving around in cars to eating too much fast food; which is causes weight gain or obesity Gail understands this process and wants to encourage activity first from skeletal movements in an ergonomic chair. Gail now has a blog and if you follow her blog she will help you discuss the chair that you are interested in purchasing:

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Top Tips for Making Your Office a Better Place to Work

If you find motivation is on the decline in your office and your employees are looking rather fed up then it could well be the environment they're working in which is affecting their mood. What the office looks like and their employer's policies and ethics can also impact on employees' wellbeing. Lists such as the Sunday Times 100 Best Companies and the company behind it, Best Companies, along with accreditations such as Investors in People prove that you care about your employees' working environment, wellbeing and happiness in the workplace. Below are some top tips for making your office a better place for your employees to work.

Invest in ergonomic design states that "back pain is the second most common cause of sickness absence in Great Britain". A major contributing factor to back pain can be the way your employees' desks are set up. If the desks and chairs in your office are not able to be easily adjusted then your employees are likely to be slouching which can cause neck and back pain. Other issues which could affect your team's health are a lack of ergonomic design with computer monitors and other computer accessories such as mouse mats. By allowing team members to customise their desks to suit their height and the way they work, your team can benefit from a better ergonomic design in the workplace.

Make the office more attractive

A messy office full of paper, tea stained desks, wires and clutter won't do much to boost your team's moral. Instead of letting your employees' sit in a dull and uninspiring office, liven the place up and motive them with colours. Yellow, orange and green are all lively colours which could give your employees a creative spark and motivation boost. Hide wires away from view with a smart wire tidy which will also help prevent people tripping over the wires too. Decorative cable trunking can be used to mask wires on walls and you could even choose different colours to complement or contrast with the rest of the office.

Think about the environment

As people's awareness of environmental issues grow, you need to make sure that you're doing your part so your employees' see the company as a responsible and ethical place to work. One way to make your company more eco-friendly is to purchase recycled products. As well as the obvious choices such as paper and other stationary, items such as wire tidies, desks, chairs and other office equipment can all be bought from suppliers offering recycled products. Ensure your employees do their part and recycle paper, cans, plastics and other items such as printer cartridges. Switching off lights and equipment at the end of each day can also enhance your environmental credentials. The Energy Saving Trust has some startling statistics on energy wasted in offices, "almost a third of UK office workers frequently leave their PCs running overnight or over the weekend when they go home, resulting in carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions equivalent to the output of 120,000 4x4 cars."

For more information please visit CMD workplace ergonomic solutions

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The Things I Like About Massage Chairs

Actually, there are so many things I like when it comes to a massage chair. Aside from the regular treatment I can get every day, it also gives tremendous rest and comfort during stressful days. It is wonderful to know that this type of equipment became famous and more convenient to us. We can even find it in shopping malls and several department stores. A lot of people used to have this chair recliner in their living room, master bedroom and even at their offices. With the benefits I had through this equipment, you will also definitely be convinced to buy its latest version. Here are some good qualities which I like most about massage chairs.

First, it is very convenient to use. In short, it is user-friendly. You don't have to undergo a lot of procedure just to make it work. All you just have to do is to switch it on and adjust the strength of the rollers including the length of time. Then after that, you can now experience the therapeutic effects it brings while taking a good rest. Having a body massage is one of the most effective forms of relaxation technique. Due to its ancient origin, many people believe that this type of therapy has the ability to bring harmony and balance in life while easing a person from several discomforts and stresses.

Secondly, it can be used any time of the day. Since you can purchase this chair as a single unit, it can be easily positioned at one corner of your home. In addition to that, you have all the time to plan for your own treatment schedule according to your vacant time. This device has been designed for flexibility and comfort. Therefore, it can easily fit to your schedule no matter how hectic it is. Most of the time, a worker comes home late at night, tired and exhausted. With this kind of situation, it would be impossible for a person to go to a spa or massage clinic anymore just to relax. But with the presence of this device, you don't have to worry anymore if you still have so many appointments and workloads to finish. A massage chair will just stay right behind and ready for use anytime.

Thirdly, this equipment has been designed with scientific basis. Experts and professionals studied this equipment thoroughly in order to give best results to the users especially to those individuals who are dependent on massage treatments. This chair has its own rollers which enables to work accordingly by hitting the sore spots such as shoulder and back. A fifteen minute massage can already give you adequate rest and relaxation. When you are fond of playing sports, you will surely need this device to warm up and relax your upper and lower back muscle as well as your shoulder muscle. It would be best to stay calm all the time with the help of massage therapies and then perform some exercises daily in order to maintain agility, endurance and improved blood circulation.

Marion Mccants enjoys writing about massager chair and Japanese massage chair as well as related products.

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Herman Miller Desk Chairs - Healthy Office Ergonomics

While working in an office, you can experience several discomforts from the extended sitting and typing on a keyboard. I know some useful information that will greatly help relieve this discomfort. The number one problem that people will get is pain in their lower back. An easy fix for this is getting a nice ergonomic chair like the Herman Miller Embody. Lower back pain can also be avoided along with many other common injuries if these tips are followed.

The first thing you need to do is set your chair to the correct height. If it is not adjustable then you need to get a new chair or find a way to alter it yourself. You want your chair at a height where your elbows are even with the level of your desktop. This is the most important adjustment to make.

You then want to make sure you are getting good support in your lower back. This will keep away the pain and help you sit in good posture. There are chairs that allow you to do adjust this like the Herman Miller Embody, but if you do not have one a lumbar pillow is recommended.

Now you want to make sure you set the tilt where you want it. You need to be able to reach your desk without leaning forward away from the chair, but you do not want to be uncomfortable. The Herman Miller Embody allows you to adjust both the tilt tension and the tilt depth. This is very good for determining the most comfortable position.

You can use a foot rest if your legs do not properly reach the ground or if they rub against the front of the chair. I again recommend the Herman Miller Embody because it has a shorter front end to avoid the discomfort in the back of the legs; however, if you cannot reach the ground you may need to lower the keyboard.

Another thing that you need to make sure of is that the very top of your window screen is at least level or below your eyes. This will help prevent discomfort in your neck.

You will want your wrists to be straight while sitting. You can use a wrist rest if it is comfortable to you. With the Herman Miller Embody you will be able to adjust the arms in both height and width to give you optimal comfort in your shoulders, arms, and wrists.

Your mouse placement commonly overlooked, but it is important to staying comfortable. It should be next to the keyboard and close enough so that you do not have to move your elbows to move it. This will keep you from constantly shifting your weight and straining your back.

Make sure you keep a clean computer screen. Your eyes can get tired if they have trouble viewing the screen. You also want your computer at a brightness level that is easy to read from. This will help keep the number of headaches down and help you concentrate more on what you are doing.

If you follow these steps you should feel much better at the end of each day. You should follow them as close as you can and if possible I recommend getting a nice chair like the Herman Miller Embody. It is possibly the best ergonomic chair out there. It will help you stay comfortable and focused throughout your workday.

If you would like to learn more about the Herman Miller Embody Chair, visit my website that is full of articles pictures and a Herman Miller Embody review.

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What Is Ergonomic Balance?

Ergonomic is term we use to create a productive, safe and efficient environment for the workplace, which for my readers is not exclusively the employment environment; it is also the home environment.

Ergonomic balance is the sitting or standing position we use for safe, purposeful and productive activity in an ergonomic environment.

Ergonomic balance is developed through our early childhood development through play and will not change throughout your entire life, unless we want it to change.

If you remain your normal adult weight throughout your lifetime, then there is no reason to change your ergonomic balance as you will not have any balance problems.

However, if you have gained in excess of 5-10 pounds over your normal weight; then your skeletal joints will suffer from the excess weight that has not been accounted for in your ergonomic movements.

The laws of Physics will help you understand this concept, for example: If you look at 2 people of identical heights and weights sitting on a 'see saw'. The 'see saw' will be balanced on both sides.

If this was your body, then your body would be balanced according to normal weight. But say one person puts on 20 pounds in weight. The 'see saw' is no longer balanced and would be totally lopsided to one side.

The see-saw cannot balance because there is too much weight on one side.
In order to make it balanced again, the middle post has to be moved towards the heavier side, so that it becomes balanced again.

In other words, the balance of your skeletal joints has to be modified, in order to accommodate this extra weight on your body.

Your body is unable to do this, because your body's autonomic nervous system is only designed for your normal weight. It cannot accommodate any changes in body weight, because you are not supposed to have excess weight.

You need to make this change yourself, or you will start getting pains in your skeletal joints that will gradually become worse, until they become a chronic problem.

Ergonomic balance is the way that you sit or stand for performing productive, safe and efficient movement and efficient movements.

If you remain the same weight throughout your life time, your ergonomic balance will be within normal limits and you will not have any pains in your joints, unless you have a specific medical condition.

If you weight more than you did in your early adult years, then you may be suffering from skeletal discomforts that will not go away.

You either need to lose that extra weight that you are carrying, or you need to recalibrate your skeletal joints, so that they make allowances for this extra weight.

The author Gail McGonigal owns a website called Active Living Solutions Ltd. Gail is a trained Occupational Therapist, who is trying to help people with back pain be comfortable in daily living, using ergonomic daily living solutions. Gail is first selling ergonomic chairs for the larger person, unable to fit into a store-bought chair. She is offering a free e-book about her chairs. Gail is able to restore comfort through her Active Living Program that uses ergonomic movements in daily living for comfort. Gail is trying to change the way people view ergonomics, not just in the work place but in daily life to resolve pains by seeking the origins of their pain in their daily life. Please email Gail and she will give you her free phone number to help you with your back pain

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A Chair Is Not Just for Sitting!

So what's that supposed to mean, if a chair is not just for sitting? It means that a chair has more than just one role. Sitting obviously is the first role, but the second role is movement.

It is important while you are sitting that your body continues to move actively, or your body will being to suffer from the effects of not moving.

Sitting is not designed to be a static position, where you just sit position and remain like a statue until you are ready to move again.

You may feel like this when you are sitting in an armchair, because you body is more relaxed and in a restful position.

But when you are sitting in an ergonomic chair, your body is designed to be sitting in position ready for active sitting, where movement is the main priority.

It would be better if people tried to use their chair backrest so much, as then they would find that their spine becomes use to sitting in the upright position and then they stop using it so often.

But try asking those people who have to sit all day in employment? Most will complain their back becomes sore by the end of the day, or their feet are swollen.

Both of these indicate that they have not moved their body adequately

The human body is not designed to be still, because our inside body is constantly working hard all the time. We therefore need complement it with constant mobility.

Constant mobility does not mean constant energetic physical exercise such as sit ups, squats. Mobility means small movements, which are so small they are enough to oil those squeaky joints that will have impact on the rest of your skeletal body.

Our body is like a well-oiled machine such as a car. The machine needs constant movement, or it will become rusty and therefore difficult to move.

Stretching those skeletal joints and muscles when sitting, is the best the best way to waken up those rusty joints that have been sleeping comfortably all night in a supine position.

Our body needs the sleep to rest out body in a supine position. There is no pressure on the joints in this position, so you will be comfortable and move naturally throughout the night.

But as soon as we sit down in a chair, we should always be ready to move our skeletal joints. The best way to wake up our body each morning is to start with the Sunrise Salutation. This will stimulate the whole of your upper body, including your spine and your breathing.

So while taking a deep breath, slowly move your hands upwards an reach as far as you are able from the prayer position in front of you and make a slow downward arc with both your arms. Allow your shoulders to feel the stretch and let gravity take over and bring them back down to the resting position on your lap.

You will now feel so much better and ready to start your day of sitting with movement. The combined action will make you more comfortable for prolonged sitting.

The author Gail McGonigal is a trained & experienced Occupational Therapist, who has her own website for pain-relieving solutions that are successful for erasing her own pain. Gail has learned to deal with chronic pain, without using medical intervention. Gail wants to show you how she has overcome chronic skeletal pain in postural scoliosis and arthritis in both hands, using genuine pain remedies that she accidentally found to be very successful. Now Gail is able to live a pain-free quality of life. Gail has written articles about her solutions that use her own knowledge, to help erase pain using her own active solutions. Please contact Gail through her website if you need help to combat your pain for leading an active quality of life.

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The Best Computer Chair for Your Back

Working while sitting in front of the computer might not be as tiring as doing manual labor such as in a construction site. But the possibility of developing back problems is imminent. These back problems are generally characterized by back pains.

To reduce or totally prevent the occurrence of these back problems, there are few important tips that you need to keep in mind when you are going to purchase a computer chair.

Your computer chair needs to have:

Height adjustable back. Since you need to take care of your back, a good back support is necessary. This can be achieved when the chair has the right height. You can either buy a chair that fits you perfectly or you can get one that has adjustable features.

A chair that has an adjustable back allows you to change the height of the back rest according to your personal preferences. Also, the chair has to be at least 12 inches wide and be able to support the contour of your back. This means that a comfortable chair is one that fits your back and follows its curves.

Air lumbar pump. An important inward curve in the back is the part that corresponds to the lumbar spine. The height and depth of the chair can be adjusted based on the specific contour of your back.

The air lumbar pump is the part that allows the person to control the depth of the chair that hits the lumbar spine. Lower back aches can be easily prevented when you are able to change the configurations of the chair from time to time depending on your tasks.

Armrest adjustment. To better add comfort to the neck, shoulders, and arms, a good armrest is required.

This arm rest should be adjustable in terms of position and height. You should be able to move it a few inches until you reach your most comfortable position.

Back rest adjuster. This will allow you to adjust the height and at the same time the angle of the back rest of the chair. Different angles may be utilized depending on what you are doing when you are sitting on the chair.

When you want to change the position of your back, you likewise should be able to find a position that your chair can assume. When you are now comfortable, you can surely avoid certain back problems.

Seat height adjuster. Aside from changing the height of the back of the chair, a good computer chair should also allow you to change the whole structure's height. This will reduce the strain not only on your back, but also on your arms and your neck.

It should be able to allow you to adjust the height by at least a few inches taller or a few inches shorter.

Swivel. When your chair swivels, you can easily reach areas around your desk without having to strain your back and your neck.

Marion Mccants enjoys writing about reclining massage chair and back massager chair as well as related products.

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The Key Elements of an Ergonomic Chair

So many people today suffer from the common symptoms of back pain, neck pain, fatigue and other similar ailments. These are symptoms that can be caused by a variety of different illnesses and diseases, but for many people, the culprit may actually be the chair that you sit in at work. Many chairs are designed to look professional in an office and give you a place to sit while you work at your desk. However, an ergonomic chair is designed specifically with your comfort in mind. So what exactly is this type of chair?

Adjustable Height

An ergonomic chair is one that allows you to get into the ideal position for you. Because each person is a different height and because desks have different heights as well, there is not one standard height that is ideal for each person. Plus, some desks have a keyboard tray placed underneath the desk and others will have the keyboard placed higher up. For those who type often during the day, it is ideal for comfort and to minimize neck and shoulder pain for the arms to lie naturally at your side while you type. Because of this, the adjustable height feature is critical.

Back Support

One of the biggest complaints that people who sit at a desk throughout the day have is back pain. An ergonomic chair generally offers the ideal level of back support. For some chairs, this may come in the form of an adjustable lumbar support. In other chairs, superior back support may be provided with a flexible yet firm, ideally curved chair back. This will not be entirely firm but will allow the chair to conform slightly to your back while also providing support, too.

Neck Support

Neck support is not a feature that you will find in every ergonomic chair, but if you suffer from neck pain regularly, you will want to make an effort to find a chair with this feature. Some chairs have a lower back that generally will rise only to the middle of your back or possibly your shoulders. Others have a full neck rest feature that is adjustable in design. Whether you choose this feature in your own chair is a matter of preference, but many people who suffer fatigued muscles in the neck do prefer to have this additional feature so the neck can be supported and rested throughout the day when needed.

Arm Rests

An ergonomic chair will have arm rests, and these largely will be adjustable in height. They are lower in design so that the arms can rest in a natural position without causing the shoulders to bind up or be raised higher than a purely natural position. The ideal goal of this type of chair is to offer support and comfort, but also to allow the body to remain in an entirely natural position throughout the day while you work. This generally means that several of the features need to be adjustable to conform to your body. When you find the right chair for your needs and comfort, you will experience significant improvement in your back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, and level of fatigue, too.

Rob Schumann is a writer and researcher on products for households such as the ergonomic chair. Save time and money by getting a FREE in-depth review of this product and many others including discounts and best prices at this blog:

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A More Serious Way To Damage Your Back Than Prolonged Sitting

Prolonged sitting is only a problem when you remain still in one position without moving your spine along with the rest of your body. Moving your spine has a knock-on effect to all your skeletal joints and thus keeps your whole body in movement.

A far more serious way of causing injury to your spine is by getting up from an ergonomic chair, without without any locking brakes attached to the the casters that stops them from moving. If you do not have them, you are more than likely to fall out of the chair and cause an injury, unless you lean the chair against a wall and then try to get out of the chair.

Some people are able to rise easily from an ergonomic chair without using the armrests; which means their legs are strong enough to raise their body weight up to a standing position. But if you are not fit or over your normal sized body weight; you will find this a struggle to get up, without the physical assistance of an armrest or a grab rail.

If the chair moves, which an ergonomic chair will do; then it is important to have locking brakes on the casters. I would recommend that you have one lever that will brake every caster; so that there are no risks for getting out of the chair.

The more weight that is on your body, the more difficult it is to move your body around and the more dangerous that functional mobility will become; such as rising from a chair, a toilet or the bath and also climbing stairs.

As a trained Occupational Therapist this is the "bread and butter of my professional skills" for making sure that people are safe to handle functional mobility, which are all your functional transfers.

Nearly all people who cannot rise easily from a chair have a tendency to reach out and grab for anything that will pull themselves up out of the chair

This is the wrong way to get out of a chair. What if the fixture you grabbed was movable? It is unlikely to be of any help and you may end falling on the floor. It is always better to have an armrest to use, unless like a toilet, it may not be possible and then you need a grab rail fitted.

Another danger of not moving your body when prolonged sitting is that your body becomes stiff and less inclined to be move spontaneously when you need to move such as standing up.

The first thing you need to check before purchasing an ergonomic chair is how safe is the chair for you to rise from?

So forget all the sales features promoted by sales professionals recommending how wonderful their ergonomic chairs are; check on and how easily you can get in and out of them and tells you how comfortable and safe you will feel.

Remember, sales people do not know your problems and cannot teach you the safest way to sit and get out of an ergonomic chair.

Ergonomic chairs have rolling casters and therefore move around easily. Since I am trained as an Occupational Therapist, my roll will be to take care of your functional mobility as well as comfort in the right ergonomic chair for your needs: as well as to help you with your active mobility along with your discomforts.

The author Gail McGonigal is a qualified Occupational Therapist, no longer able to practice in her profession due to cognitive brain damage damage from viral encephalitis. Instead she is creating a new niche market in comfortable and safe solutions for people with aches and pains in their skeletal joints. She is starting with ergonomic chairs: and specializes with people unable to purchase a chair from any local store. Gail's chairs can be made according to what is available on the website or for people either very big: and also the very small (any chair can be made smaller. Gail has special knowledge of how to deal with back pain and other skeletal discomforts. She is writing out a blog site where she will be discussing specific chairs for your benefit. Please contact Gail through her website and she will give you her toll free number if you wish to discuss any of the chairs.

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Be Proactive: The Benefits of Ergonomics In The Office Environment

Ergonomics improve the efficiency of the workplace by prioritising the consideration of usability, comfort and employee safety, and incorporating such in the design - or redesign - of the working environment. Ignoring office ergonomics can seriously compromise the speed and efficiency of your work, as well as risking discomfort and potentially more serious health and safety concerns. On the other hand, making use of an ergonomically designed workstation is an overall more enjoyable, more rewarding experience.

Ergonomic stresses on the body can lead to a number of illnesses and disorders of the muscles, joints and nerves. For example, cumulative trauma disorders are induced and aggravated by repetitive movements and awkward posture, while back disorders occur as a result of pulling and straining muscles, ligaments or spinal disks. Many of these repetitive strain injuries can be avoided simply by taking into account the ergonomic concerns of your workstation.

Furthermore, companies and commercial organisations are obliged to pay out on thousands of injury compensation claims each year, in response to muscles strains and joint overextension injuries sustained by employees as a consequence of an ergonomically unsound working environment. Thus, the improvement of office ergonomics is beneficial to both employer, who can save money on injury compensation; and employee, who can do without injury and discomfort at work.

The act of preempting ergonomic stresses and taking action before a problem even occurs is commonly referred to as proactive ergonomics. Installing fully adjustable desktop support stands for flatscreen lcd monitors and laptops reduces the risk of injury caused by bad posture and overextension as well as improving employee comfort and, consequently, job satisfaction.

Another ergonomic solution to overextension injuries and workplace discomfort is flat computer keyboards that do not require the user to hold their wrists at an awkward upward angle. Wrist pain can signify serious underlying causes such as Arthritis or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, so avoiding wrist strain during long periods of working at the computer is an essential aspect of office ergonomics. Flat keyboards significantly reduce the risk of wrist pain or discomfort, as the wrist need not be raised at all when using the keyboard. Furthermore, correct placement of the keyboard on the desk, with regards to your sitting position and posture, can help avoid strains to the back or arms.

Proactive office ergonomics is a forward thinking approach to improve the efficiency of any commercial environment. By placing usability and comfort as the first and foremost of concerns when considering the design of a workstation, an employer can ensure that their office space surpasses that of competitors in terms of intuitiveness and employee satisfaction, as well as fundamental efficiency of work.

For more information please visit CMD Ltd

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Setting Up Your Work Station to Alleviate Back Pain

Are you aware that back pains are commonly experienced by workers not only in factories but also in offices? Did you know that the leading cause of back pain is poor posture and poor ergonomics? To know more about it and ways of eliminating back pain, read the article below.

We know that employees or workers play a vital role in the daily operation and success of a company. However, majority of business owners failed to consider that conducive and healthy working environment play a vital role in keeping employees productive and healthy at all times. Some companies failed to provide their employees with good quality working chairs, tables and resting area where they can relax during their break time.

Employers should remember that healthy and positive working environment does not only depend on proper lighting, desk organization or high-tech equipment and supplies, but they must also consider the convenience and comfort that their employees have while working inside their modules or offices. How can they become productive if they are not comfortable with the chair they are sitting? How can they deliver quality work and output if they experience back pain?

At present, lower back pain is commonly found in working areas caused not only by lifting heavy objects but also of bad posture and poor quality office chairs. To keep productive works and to improve ergonomics, it is best that employers find means of keeping their workers comfortable and convenient in their working stations.

Before making a move to address the problem, you should identify the causes of your employees' back pain and work your solution from there. Studies show that poor quality chair is the main cause of back pain among workers, thus it is suggested that employers provide the best quality ergonomics chairs for their workers.

Among the myriad choices of office chairs sold in the market and online sites, ergonomic ball chairs are the best solution to the back pain experienced by office workers because they can sit comfortably on it and it has high quality cushion to provide comfort to your back while leaning on them. These chairs let workers align their backs or spinal columns, give them the opportunity to change their positions regularly.

Another important factor for consideration is the placement and set up of workstations. It is important to set up and to position workstations in the best and the most conducive arrangement for employees. You should position the table, chairs, computers in comfortable positions. Have an architect or interior designer do the arrangement for you.

Aside from providing the right working supplies and equipment, there is a need for employers to provide their employees with health and exercise programs to boost their health. One revolutionary exercise worth considering is the yoga. You can hire a yoga expert or physical fitness experts to teach employees yoga during their break time. Remember that yoga is known to be effective in preventing lower back pain and enhancing the mental and physical state of employees.

Marion Mccants enjoys writing about heat massage recliner and inada sogno dreamwave massage chair as well as related products.

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Ergonomic Office Chairs For Bad Backs

Finding a comfortable ergonomic leather office chair.

What is ergonomics you ask and what does a leather office chair have to do with it? Well according to The International Ergonomics Association defines ergonomics as follows:

"Ergonomics (or human factors) is the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data and methods to design in order to optimize human well-being and overall system performance."

Basically it's the science of how we interact with equipment and devises, and how we can make them more comfortable to use and be more productive using them. When Ergonomics was first being talked about there were two main ideas that they wanted to incorporate and that was health and productivity. It is very useful in the design of office furniture like leather office chairs and the machines and equipment like computers and keyboards that we use in our daily lives. Ergonomic design is essential in the prevention of pain caused by repetitive and strenuous movement which over time can cause long term health issues.

Ergonomics is not only meant to focuses on the physical strain it can place on the bodies muscles, joints, tendons and bones but also the environmental issues which can effect vision, hearing and your overall health. If we can design the job to fit the worker, and not force the worker to fit the job, than we can improve the overall performance of the job being done. Sounds good for everyone if you ask me, the employees are more relaxed, comfortable, and focused, which in turn makes them more productive which the employers love.

If you think about the insurance claims, disability claims, workman's comp, and all other claims caused by injury and strain that could be avoided with proper use of ergonomics. There has been numerous court cases where employers have paid millions of dollars do to work related injuries that could have been avoided with proper ergonomics. This tends to add up to a lot of money to an employer that could have been used to expand his/her business or offer better salaries to their employees. If the proper steps are taken to design the workspace to the individual doing the job we can start seeing a significant drop in insurance claims and premiums which will amount to a very sizable savings.

We have to start realizing that the old way of doing things are no longer efficient and ergonomics is one of the easiest things we can do to improve our daily working lives. Let's take a look at some simple steps we can take to improve our work stations.

1. Ergonomic leather office chairs: Improves posture and offers support to the crucial areas of the body that could otherwise lead to health problems.

2. Ergonomic keyboards: Helps to support proper typing mechanics and when used with an ergonomic leather office chair it can reduce the strain on repetitious movement that can cause very painful health issues.

3. Design of workstation: This involves creating the most efficient layout of all the tools needed to do that particular job in relation to the movements that the job requires.

These are very simple steps you can take to improving your overall work life and health, and there are many more this is just the tip of the iceberg, the simplest of ideas.
You can find actual professionals who will come and give your home or office an ergonomic assessment and help you design the proper workspace or home environment. For your first step and one of the easiest and cheapest things you can do is check out a leather office chair. there's a link below to my site that reviews leather office chairs for everyday consumers.

Check it out!

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Ergonomic Chairs for Back Pain

Having back pains might not be a life threatening condition but it surely is a life changing one. Your ADLs are affected. You can't function as well compared when you were still free from the pain. And so, to avoid these back pains from occurring, start with purchasing an ergonomic chair that will protect your back.

An ergonomic chair is one that is designed with ease of use in mind. The structures that are present are not fancy. Rather, they are placed there with their respective modifications to allow for the most comfortable use of the chair.

Ergonomic chairs have several features. These are the features that can help prevent or reduce the occurrence of back pains:

Adjustable height. This can refer to the total height of the chair. You can adjust how high the seat is from the floor. You can decide to have your feet touch the floor or not. The height adjustments also allow the person to control the height that their arms can reach. For example, when working in front of a computer, there will be height differences that need to be corrected to reduce back, neck and arm strain.

It may also be related to the height of the chair's back rest. To further prevent back problems or to have the at a comfortable position, the height of the back rest needs to be adjusted to the height of the person's back. There are contours on the chair that correspond with the contours that are present on the back of a person. And these areas need to perfectly meet so that the back can be well supported.

Adjustable width. This can mostly refer to the width of the back rest. Different people have different trunk sizes and the difference will be important when considering a good support for the back's position.

There are several dimensions by which a chair may be considered good enough for the back but it really lies on specific conditions. You can know if a chair is good enough for you by trying it out. The moment that you sit down on the chair, you should be comfortable already.

Adjustable depth. This pertains to the distance from the front to the back of the chair. For the chair to be good for people with back pain, there should be at least 2-4 inches of space on the back of the knees and the seat.

Swivel. A chair that swivels allows for faster and more convenient performance of tasks. Also, there is no need to strain in order to reach things that are on your desk. You can avoid back pains as well as stretching your arms and neck.

Angle adjuster. There are seats that can allow for the angle of the chair to be adjusted. Having this kind of feature in your chair will mean that you can tilt the chair on a position that is most comfortable for you. This angle adjuster may be applied to the back rest or to the main base of the chair itself.

Marion Mccants enjoys writing about heated massage chair and sogno massage chair as well as related products.

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The Benefits of Ergonomic Leg Rests

Ergonomic leg rests are one of the newest innovations to further help provide people with a more comfortable work environment and are quickly making their way into offices all around the world. With its simplistic design, the leg rest was designed for workers with medical conditions that require them to need to elevate one or both legs throughout the day. Many spend the majority of their work day sitting in an office chair, which makes it beneficial to those without medical injuries as well that just want a place to rest their leg/s throughout the day. A leg rest allows you to further take care of your body and needs while working by providing additional support in the legs, a part of the body that is often forgotten about in other ergonomic products that are offered. Owning a leg rest is beneficial for a number of reasons including increased health benefits, ease of use and support.

Many medical conditions alter or affect the way in which we work, and in order to keep comfortable while working throughout the day, sometimes this calls for investing in products that can help us achieve comfort. There are many health conditions that can benefit from owning a leg rest including those with a knee injury, bunion removal, back pain, varicose veins, edema, heavy leg syndrome, neuromuscular disorders, trauma, pregnancy, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or even because of side effects of certain medicines. Elevating your legs provides comfortable support to the entire leg and increases circulation in the lower extremities. Working in a semi reclined position or with your feet elevated transfers your weight difference, decreases fatigue and increases the ease of blood flow throughout your body. All of this leads to increased comfort and therefor increased productivity while working. Eliminating any pain while working leads to a clearer thought process and the ability to focus on the task needing to be performed, rather than what is causing you discomfort.

Unlike an ergonomic chair that comes with multiple adjustments that can sometimes take time to figure out exactly how lever functions, a leg rest is simplistic in design and very easy to use. Some come with a five-star base, which can be found on an office chair, and have the option for either rolling casters or stationary glides. Other versions come mounted on a base with two wheels on either side to provide balance. The important feature to look for on an ergonomic leg rest is the ability to adjust the height. Height adjustment is needed to match the needs of your body as some of us are built taller while others are shorter; not everyone can conform to one set height. It is recommended the height is set so that the knee is comfortable and does not raise your leg off the seat of the chair. Always follow your doctor or physical therapists recommendations for posture support first. Another part of the design is the shape of the cushion where your feet will be resting. The two most common choices are a flat surface or a curved surface. A curved surface allows for one leg to essentially be cradled whereas a flat surface can be used for both legs if needed.

While using a conventional office ottoman or a simple stack of books can work to temporarily elevate your legs, it may lead to increased strain or injury to other parts of the body. This where an ergonomic leg rest comes in, providing elevation of the legs and feet. Resting your feet on a stack of books or an ottoman that can not be properly adjusted may work to temporarily elevate an injured foot, but will not work for knee injuries. In fact, long-term elevation using this method can lead to knee injuries, as the knee becomes hyper extended without proper support. An ottoman that rolls or can be easily moved may also compromise ergonomic positioning by having to constantly readjust your leg position.

Whether you are looking for a comfortable way to elevate your feet while working or suffer from a medical condition, an ergonomic leg rest is beneficial for just about anyone. When looking to purchase a leg rest, the most convenient and easiest choice is to purchase from an online retailer that sells ergonomic product. Because of their simplicity, it is easy to determine just by looking online if the leg rest will work for you. As aforementioned, be certain that the leg rest can be adjusted in height and can be made stationary(unless casters are needed for a particular reason). Leg rests can run between $100-$300 depending on how advanced you will need it to be, but overall it is a worthwhile investment that will bring you comfort for years to come.

Chelsea Alves is the marketing manager for, a company with more than 30 years experience in the office seating and office furniture industry. Dedicated to finding the best chairs for you, at the best price possible, with the best customer service available. For more information on ergonomic leg rests please visit

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Can Massage Chairs Be Bad for You?

Massage is an effective way to get rid of stress, tension and some other problems related to heavy work, fatigue and existing health conditions. Unlike before, massage is not only provided by massage therapists. Nowadays, if you do not have enough time to spend in dropping by a spa or massage parlor, you have an option to take a look into different types of massage equipment. Because the leading manufacturers of electronic devices/appliances were able to see the problem of the people with very hectic schedules, they were able to come up with such massage equipment. If you read some reviews online about the equipments, you would have an idea on how they work, etc. You may be able to find some reviews that tell you about how the equipment can help you, massage chairs in particular. But so much about the good things, it is also important for you to consider the possible negative effects of massage chairs.

The first possible negative effect of using a massage chair has something to do with our blood circulation. Massage is known to improve the circulation of your blood in the body but if you have an existing problem related to this like blood clot or deep vein thrombosis, massage and using a massage chair can make your condition worst. Evidently, you would not want this to happen, would you? Thus, you have to be careful before you actually use any massage equipment.

In addition to the circulation issues, there is also a possibility that you may experience allergic reactions or suffer from infection using the said massage equipment. Massage chairs are made of different materials like cloth, leather and many more. So if you won't check on the materials used for the equipment carefully, you will not know if your choice is really suitable for you. When talking about infection, you should be aware that the massage therapy will eventually help your body to release enzymes and toxins. This means that along with regular us of the equipment, you should drink a lot of water to easily get rid of the toxins. In this way, you can avoid any infection.

Using a massage chair can also cause you a lot of pain instead of relief and relaxation. Because you are not going to get the massage therapy from a professional massage therapist, you will be the one to adjust the settings on the equipment. Hence, if you do not know how to properly adjust the settings, your might suffer from a lot of pain. For instance, you did not use the settings of the Shiatsu massage technique; you will probably feel pain that may last for a couple of hours to a few days.

However, you are only going to experience all these possible negative effects of using a massage chair when you have some existing health problems. A massage chair can be bad for you if you do not know how to use it properly or if you are going to overuse it. So to avoid this, you should consult your doctor first before using the said massage equipment and make sure that you are knowledgeable enough about it.

Marion Mccants enjoys writing about massage chair recliner and massage chair prices as well as related products.

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Dog-Tired? It Might Be Your Keyboard That Is Causing Your Trouble

Working on a 9 to 5 job can be stressful if you are not using the right tools. Check your keyboard and your mouse. Are you exerting more effort than what is necessary when you push its keys? Does the mouse fit your grasp, or is it bigger than the size of your hand? These are factors that may seem negligible to you, but can actually cause your trouble.

The solution is less than a hundred dollars. It is not too much if you think in terms of your greatest resource - your health.

Buy your own ergonomic keyboard. It does not cost much, and you can choose the type of keyboard that will not cause your fingers, hands and wrists, stress. You owe it to yourself.

Are you a leftie? There are left-handed keyboards in the market for left-handed users, which right-handed people may also find convenient to type on. You may also find split keyboards or wireless keyboards as your "keyboard of choice", depending on your need and typing preferences.

Drawbacks of a Bad Keyboard

Using the office keyboard has a lot of drawbacks, which your employer may not consider direct threats to his bottom line, and therefore may not compel him to think ergonomics and provide his employees with the right tools. But he is wrong.

Strenuous typing on a keyboard with stuck up keys and with a mouse that is either too big, or too small for your grasp, may cause repetitive strain on your wrists. It can be the onset of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, a painful swelling of the median nerve inside your carpal tunnels. It is a disabling injury, which when left untreated, may cause deformity on the afflicted hand.

Imagine how it would affect your work - your efficiency and productivity - on a standstill. Think of the effect on a larger scale, when 2-3 employees would fall ill because of carpal tunnel syndrome. Would this not affect your company's revenue?

Don't Wait On the Boss

Waiting on your employer to act, on to YOUR best interest, may take a while, and by then maybe too late to save your wrist. Why not invest a little on yourself?

Buy your own ergonomic mini keyboard that you can carry to the office or anywhere, conveniently. Improve on your job performance, by enhancing your efficiency and increasing your productivity. These efforts have visible results, which can pay off your investments big time. Think in terms of promotion. Just wait and see.

Left-handed Keyboard, Mini Keyboards and Specialty Keyboards are available at Use an ergonomic keyboard custom-designed for your specific needs to lessen stress on your hands and fingers as you type. Repetitive stress on your wrists causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, which is a disabling and deforming work-related injury.

For all the lefties in the world, left-handed keyboards were engineered with you in mind. However, even right-handed users would find left-handed keyboards easy to type on because they retain the features of a regular keyboard, but with the numeric keypad placed on the left so your mouse is located much closer to your body on the right to minimize reaching out for it, and the stress that goes with the effort.

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Making Jobs Safer for Nurses

When looking at the physical demands of different jobs and likelihood of being injured, the field in most urgent need of help is nursing. The nursing shortage isn't due to no one wanting to be a nurse. Professionals and students who want the job or have the job experience the risks, injuries, and burnout, and leave the field. Nurses incur work-related musculoskeletal disorders seven times more than all other occupations. Nursing aids, orderlies, and attendants lift a cumulative 1.8 tons in a single 8-hour shift. The physical demands of this job are astounding, and they only become more intense as health care facilities become short staffed. The good news is that safe handling equipment is immediately effective and cost-recoupable in about 5 years.

Take, for example, John Dempsey Hospital in Connecticut. Their patient handling program was designed with the goal of being the safest hospital in the state. Their latest lift was purchased with the specific goal of reducing the staff injuries resulting from lifting, moving, and repositioning patients. Patients in turn have a safer experience as they are less likely to incur bruising or skin tears in the move. The safest hospital in the state likely sees more patients and attracts more nurses than other hospitals. Let's look at some aspects of nursing safety:
Lifting patients - obviously, lifting people who weigh hundreds of pounds is what accumulates to that average 1.8 tons the fastest. There are a variety of mechanized solutions for lifting, turning, and transporting patients. This saves nurses from both accumulated and immediate trauma, especially to their low backs.
Lifting other objects - those in the nursing field have many job responsibilities, some of which include lifting/transporting equipment and containers as well as emptying receptacles. These activities recruit many other movements that increase the risk of injury, like twisting, bending, and repetitive movements. Motorized equipment also exists for lifting objects, which is not only safer on the back, but neck and shoulders as well.
Distance walked to obtain supplies - nurses are on their feet and on the move all day and night. They often are rotating their shifts, which mean getting enough sleep is a challenge. Lack of sleep and constant movement greatly add to fatigue, and fatigue can create a lot of other safety issues for both nurse and patient. Centralized or mobile workstations can help decrease unnecessary exhaustion and help health care workers save their energy for other job duties.
Pushing and pulling - other manual material handling jobs focus a lot of safety instruction on pushing and pulling properly because of the high incident of related injuries. People in the nursing field also have the task of pushing and pulling some pretty heavy objects. This places stress on the entire back, shoulders, neck, wrists, and knees. When other manual assistance is hard to come by, motorized carts and chairs can make a world of difference in safety.

Nurses like their jobs. We need nurses. Providing a safer way for everyone in the nursing field to do their jobs helps us all. Fortunately, this is a time where ergonomics is an integral part of our work culture.
Additionally, legislation continues to pass bills that require lifting equipment and patient handling safety training in hospitals. If health care facilities can support their staff with equipment to make their jobs as safe as possible, nurses will have career longevity, facilities will be staffed, and patients will be in the best care possible.

Jacob Cummings is the National Sales Manager for PHS West, Inc. He has been with the company for 11 years. PHS West Inc manufactures customized material handling solutions for a variety of industries and applications. Products include motorized platform carts, endoscopy carts, dialysis carts, patient transport systems and motorized linen carts. Jacob has written a number of articles on ergonomics for Nursing.

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Motorized Vs Manual Ergonomic Solutions

You've done your research on ergonomics. You've minimized lifting and carrying by implementing jacks, carts, and the like. The employees are definitely safer working at your site. Now you feel pressure to upgrade to motorized equipment. No matter what you do, your employees will have a physical job, and they know it when they apply. So does it matter whether your ergonomic solution cuts out that much physical work? Possibly.

Obviously, the less physical a job is, the safer it is, but completely automating a job site isn't always realistic. Depending on the job, the danger of physical harm caused by manual labor will vary. Factors include: frequency of the job task, other job responsibilities, breaks, effort required to use the tools or equipment, and body mechanics. It is important to remember that when researchers determined that pushing and pulling was safer than lifting and carrying, they didn't account for the new demands pushing and pulling placed on the body. Ultimately, pushing and pulling can create a new set of physical problems for employees. Knowing how employees are using tools and transportation devices is vital to making a decision about motorized equipment.

Frequency of job tasks and other responsibilities- what are your employees doing all day? Most work-related MSDs are the result of any one or a combination of movements like bending/twisting, awkward or static postures, vibration, heavy lifting, and pushing/pulling. The most dangerous element of manual material handling (in relation to MSDs) is repetitive movement. Do any of the above actions repeatedly, and a problem becomes very likely to arise. If the equipment in mind is a cart, and some effort is required to move the cart, ask whether this pushing/pulling task is done repeatedly throughout a shift. Are there other job duties that exacerbate the muscles or posture used to push and pull the cart? Are other job duties also strenuous enough to cause fatigue? If this cart is ultimately wearing your employee down, or eliminating manually operating a cart will significantly spare an employee of unnecessary strain, a motorized option may be for you.

Breaks and shift rotation- other job responsibilities overlaps here, too. If your employees are exposed to a lot of physical labor (or extreme heat, etc.,) frequent breaks will increase the longevity of one's career. The body is designed to be active, but it does require rest. Additionally, if there are many job tasks that vary in movement and effort needed to perform the task, can employees rotate stations? If employees are exposed to a number of activities that differ in physical demand, it may offer rest and relief from repetition. If employees can't take frequent breaks, can't rotate stations, or each station is placing similar physical demands on the body, then motorized equipment may be a sound investment.

Effort required and body mechanics- how strenuous is it to manually start, stop, and maneuver the equipment? Even if a heavy load is being carted around rather than carried, effort is still required to move the transportation vessel. Also, how aware are your employees of proper body mechanics when performing job duties? Are they able to manipulate tools and equipment safely? Adjustable handles and shelves along with safety training will go a ways. When that doesn't go far enough, motorized equipment may be the answer.

Ultimately, there are a range of ergonomic solutions for every job task. Some are as simple as rearranging height to workspace ratio. Some are as complex as automating the work station. The safest work environments pay attention not only to the equipment and layout, but also employee awareness of potential problems and safety issues. Regardless of how you manage ergonomic concerns, safety training and checking in with employees is a must.

This article assumes that ergonomics have already become a part of the job site to minimize work-related injury. If a manual material handling site is new to ergonomics and work related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), there are many more changes to consider than just motorized equipment. Consult resources or experts that deal with basic ergonomic solutions to create the safest environment for your employees.

Carol Olin is Vice President of Americarts USA, a manufacturer of low cost motorized carts and battery powered platform carts used for hospital transporting, hospitality and industrial. Americart USA features high quality carts price to compete with imported products. Carol has been in the material transport equipment industry for over 11 years.

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What Is Ergonomic Movement?

The term 'ergonomic' is a label that applies to the study of the workplace environment for efficiency, safety and productivity.

People who study this area usually have a professional background in ergonomics and apply their own understanding to the employment environment through their knowledge in ergonomics.

However, the working environment is not exclusively the employment domain; because many people now use their employment skills in the home environment, since the advent of computers in the home.

Ergonomics should therefore have broader links in usage, because the workplace environment is now more than ever used in the home environment. Movement should never be exclusively defined for any specific environmental purpose, except perhaps in the paid employment environment.

There are many ergonomic working environments, but the one of interest to me is the home environment; as this is still a 'working environment' because 'ergo' is Latin for 'work' and we all do much of this at home.

My expertise in ergonomics has developed through my academic knowledge and skills as an Occupational Therapist, plus further academic studies into Health Promotion and quality of life to a PhD research level.

So when I describe an 'ergonomic movement', these are productive movements used to perform daily living activities on a daily basis. In other words, we are using our muscles, joints and tissues for the purpose of safe movement and correct alignment for any changed positions of our body for the purpose of efficiency, safety and productivity.

What it means is that if we make one move to our body, it will affect and make changes to the rest of our body; so that you we remain balanced and safe in an upright position.

Fortunately, we do not have to think about this ourselves, as our body will automatically create the changes, without us having to think about them. Everything is automatically programmed through our autonomic nerve supply. The goal is to maintain our balance in an upright position for safety.

Ergonomic movement is therefore clearly aimed with three objectives: efficiency, safety and productivity. It maintains our balance while we more around in every day performance.

We live in a purposeful society, where most actions are completed for a purpose. Daily living movements are all ergonomic movements, because they purposefully meet our daily needs for quality of life.

However, if your weight has changed by over 5-10 pounds, then you need to read more; because your ergonomic movements are no longer the same and your body continues to move in accordance to your original weight.

When people change from their normal ideal weight to being overweight; an adjustment needs to be made to the way they move, or their skeletal joints will move incorrectly according to their weight gain.

This is the law of physics that if you are moving extra weight, your skeletal balance has to change for efficiency, safety and productivity of movement.

Your autonomic nervous system cannot take into account your weight change, so you may still be moving your skeletal joints from your original weight.

This will be the reason that you are suffering pain in one or more skeletal joints. The answer is to find your new ergonomic balance, as your movements need to change, in order to be comfortable again.

The author of the article: Gail McGonigal is a trained, experienced Occupational Therapist, who has her own website company called Active Living Solutions Ltd: for pain-relieving solutions that can erase pain while promoting functionally active performance. Gail has learned to erase her own chronic pain without using medical intervention. Gail wants to show you her path of overcoming chronic skeletal pain first in your spine using the same sitting position that Gail uses in her own chair and on her bicycle that has erased her postural scoliosis. Gail has specific expertise in helping people suffering obesity or the severely overweight. She has suitable-sized chairs for your comfort. Please contact Gail by email ( or if you need help in choosing an ergonomic chair for combating your pain. Call Gail at:1-866-222-1818 for leading an active quality of life. Gail offers a FREE Therapeutic Active Living Plan on purchase of an ergonomic chair.

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Measure of Success: Ergonomics and RSIs, RMIs, and CTDs

Countless numbers of companies and work sites have embraced ergonomics beyond what was asked of them. Strategies vary from simple to complex, but has the return been worth the investment? The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has compiled case after case exemplifying companies who have presented a problem, an ergonomic solution, and the success of the solution with some impressive results. This article will focus on companies making changes to address Repetitive Stress/Strain Injury (including Carpal Tunnel Syndrome), Repetitive Motion Injury, and Cumulative Trauma Disorder.
Advanced Filtration Systems Inc. in Illinois looked closely at a job that was resulting in many Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) diagnoses in their employees, 2 of who required surgery. Their filter inspection process required employees to use an extended pinch grip and turn their wrists to manually manipulate and inspect filter items coming off a chain conveyor. Aside from the conveyor, the process was completely manual. By implementing robots and a different conveyor, the process became 95% automated. The results? No Carpal Tunnel Cases had been reported since the change at the time of report. Additionally, the product defect rate decreased and employee morale increased significantly. This change earned the company an award from the Director of OSHA's Region V office along with publicity and recognition in the written media.
Sun Microsystems, Inc. in California experienced a high number of Repetitive Motion Injuries (RMIs) in employees in the early '90s. By 1993, the disability claims were around 300. Reeling from the cost of the claims and loss in productivity, the company purchased ergonomic equipment and furniture as well as implemented training and workstation assessments to employees who requested them. As a result, despite major growth in number of employees, between 1993 and 2002, the number of claims dropped from 300 to 50. The total cost that had exceeded $1.5 million in 1992 dropped to less than $100,000 in 2002. Additionally, the average cost to close a disability claim of a work-related musculoskeletal disorder went from over $12,000 in '92 to $2500 in '02.
Duracell, located in Georgia, recognized that Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTDs) were a whopping 35% of their recordable injuries over a 4-year period. Setting a goal to reduce CTDs by 50%, the company formed a committee to tackle the problem. After much research of data and cost, the committee implemented improvements including automation, work height adjustments, redesign of workstations, ergonomic furniture, and several other solutions. By using these methods and maintaining a comprehensive ergonomics program, Duracell reduced CTD incidents by 90% and total accident rates by 81%.
Siemens VDO Automotive in Michigan found that 43% of their 250 office workers were complaining of CTDs in their back, shoulders, elbows, and fingers. Evaluating each workstation, Siemens provided ergonomic support for chairs and computer workstations, training on ergonomics and back safety, and frequent exercise breaks. Two years after the implementation, not a single CTD-related lost time incident had occurred. They estimated a savings of 20,000 hours per year that had previously been lost to doctor visits, time off, and pain.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas reported 103 CTD-related claims in 1991 costing over $500,000. The company shifted its entire focus on employee health and made nearly 30 changes. Some of them include: purchasing ergonomic furniture and accessories, ongoing education of employees on ergonomics, installing health stations, designing and building equipment necessary for workstation comfort when such equipment can't be found, and exercise or stretch programs. By 2002, CTD/RSI claims had fallen from 103 to 52, resulting in cost plummets from $526,000 to $137,000.

The most aggressive and successful programs are ongoing and involve leadership, hazard analysis and control, follow-up, training, and even working with nurses or physical therapists to manage early symptoms of RSIs or CTDs. Workstation analysis and education are consistent in ergonomic improvements. Overall, the results are dramatic and positively affect the number of claims reported, productivity, and employee morale.

Jacob Cummings is the National Sales Manager for PHS West, Inc. He has been with the company for 11 years. PHS West Inc manufactures customized material handling solutions for a variety of industries and applications. Products include motorized platform carts, endoscopy carts, dialysis carts, patient transport systems and motorized linen carts. Jacob has written a number of articles on ergonomics in the workplace.

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Hiring a House-Cleaner Means You're Paying Someone to Do Your Daily Ergonomic Activity

Why pay someone else to do your housework? When in fact it is a method for you to practice Yoga; or for completing purposeful exercises in a manner that is useful to your body and provides you with a clean home!

Your excuse may like mine use to be - I don't have the time for the cleaning! Or just thinking of getting down on you hands and knees to scrub the bathtub is not all that appealing!

There are many things in life that we all hate doing, but they have to be done. You are not alone! Hated tasks will never change!

What you need to do is take a more constructive approach and think of using your body to do the tasks that will help your body to learn to move, stretch and balance at the same time.

If you suffer chronic pain in any of your skeletal joints being used, then it is important to respect your pain and only move as far as your tolerance of the pain will allow. It is important that you keep your muscles and joints active with purposeful daily activity, but it not to be suffering in severe pain.

Sometimes it is worth putting an ice pack or a heating pad on any painful area, before performing any household cleaning, so that any pain is easier to handle.

This is how Physiotherapists treat patients, usually offering ice or heat before any exercises. In this way the joint relaxes using heat, or is numbed with the ice, so that movement becomes easier.

However, my advice does replace Physiotherapy, as they have knowledge that you do not have about your painful area. This is more for readers who have minor bruises or strains, or maybe chronic pain from arthritis; where pain is a constant battle to continue functional mobility.

Pain is a warning sign that something is wrong, so it is always worth working within the pain threshold until your body informs you that it is safe to move that joint a little more.

Housecleaning is a repetitive productive activity that can be therapeutic, because it can be graded in terms of making it tougher of easier; such as using one or both hands to do the tasks.

Lowering you arms to wipe or dust a table means you have gravity assisting the movements, but the minute you move farther out and elevated; you will be working against gravity, so that your arm muscles are now being used, plus the joint range is being stretched more than usual.

All these activities can be graduated as you gain more movement in the therapeutic process of the activity. Using the heat or steam from hot water in the bathroom will make the movements easier, so you could clean out your bath or shower after you have taken a shower and make use of the penetrating heat to your joints.

There are no magic movements in cleaning. They are simple relaxed movements that come through repetition, balance and stability. Your body has to understand where the foundation of your balance is positioned, which is in you pelvic girdle. From there, you will be able to move your body safely in a purposeful manner while your core is balanced.

The author Gail McGonigal is a qualified Occupational Therapist, who now owns a website called Active Living Solutions Ltd. - Gail has experience of chronic pain through osteoarthritis in both hands, plus sciatic pain in her spine due to a leg length discrepancy. Gail has also learn to deal with balance problems from a brain insult called viral encephalitis. She uses yoga moves through the productive activity of housecleaning to improve her balance and stretch her so that her balance is maintained. Gail also rides her bicycle that has overcomes sciatica in her spine. Gail now leads an active and participatory life and wants to show you how you can reduce back pain through ergonomic sitting and hand pain through drinking and has overcome all of her own functional problems herself, in order to live a normal and healthy quality of alkaline water.

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The Importance of Proper Seating and a Good Office Chair for Your Health

Ask yourself: how much time do you spend in front of your computer, and do you think about the position of your body at that time? Right now, while reading this, pay attention to your body - are you sitting properly, is your back in an upright position and is your spine straight? In the times we live, computer users tend to spend many hours in front of their computers, and that time is constantly increasing.

Laptop computers are used more and more these days. People are holding them on their knees, on the sofa, on the floor, and in various odd positions that currently provide comfort, without thinking about lifelong consequences it could have for their health. While the laptop is used outside of work / computer table, the screen is often below the horizon of sight so you need to bow your head, which is not good for your spine.

Your spine is not made of steel, and certainly, you do not want to spend your free time in medical resorts later on in your life, because of something that can be corrected now. So, you really need to think about your body posture while working on your computer, regardless of whether it is a desktop or laptop computer.

A few tips for proper seating:

- Keep your spine straight
- Hold your legs in comfortable position
- Relaxed shoulders and arms
- Comfortable position of the hands and fingers
- Reduce the tilting of the head and hold the screen in front of you, not on the side
- Reduce eye strain
- Make the occasional break, it is desirable to look out the window and focus on distant objects

No matter what, avoid sitting for a long time in front of your computer and occasionally get up, stretch your legs and rest your eyes.

An important element that can cause or prevent diseases of the spine, neck, arms and legs is chair. Sitting on the comfortable ergonomic chairs is healthier for your back and spine because it provides support for the back and so it keeps your back flat, providing you a proper and comfortable position while working. Whereas it is essential that the upper part of the screen is at eye height, ergonomic chair should be adjusted so your elbows bent at 90 degrees.

Chair has to be carefully selected, of recognized brand guaranteeing quality and durability, so you should not skimp on this piece of office furniture, as it is a good investment.

Visit office and janitorial store and read more about office chairs and proper seating.

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How You Can Hurt Yourself in Bed

A mysterious ache crept into my neck and head as I slept. The pain lasted three days and nights, travelled down my arm, and impaired my right hand. How could something as innocuous as sleep summon a horrible headache and weak wrist? Or was another bedtime activity the cause?

Upon reflection, I realize that Paul Theroux is to blame. I've been reading Ghost Train to the Eastern Star each night, lying on my back with an extra pillow propped under my head and one under my knees. The compelling story and mellifluous writing have kept me up late many nights in a position that strained my upper spine. (I realize that the extra pillow is really to blame, not Theroux.)

Injuries are quite common when we get lost in our head (or in a book or watching TV), only peripherally aware of our bodies. The answer is to use the best possible ergonomics when involved in risky activities like reading in bed or working at a computer. I've piled up more pillows to create a back rest so I now read more upright. It also keeps me from reading for too long.

Pillows can cause neck pain when we're fast asleep, too. A pillow that is too tall overstretches muscles and ligaments. A pillow that is too flat causes the muscles on the up-side of the neck to contract for hours. The answer is to adjust the pillow height to match your neck, and sleeping on your right side might require a different pillow than sleeping on your left or on your back. My pillow has a different height on each side. The hard part is remembering to turn it when I roll over at night.

If you wake up with a headache or neck pain, evaluate your pillows and bedtime activities. A little investigation will help you troubleshoot the problem. Hopefully the solution will occur to you a little faster than it did to me.

To learn how to take care of your muscles and regain your vitality, visit Anita Boser is a Certified Hellerwork Practitioner, Professional Structural Integration Practitioner, yoga teacher, and author of "Undulation Exercises." You can read her weekly blog articles at

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When Is A Chair Not a Chair?

Now that is an interesting question you may think and I think your answer may be uncertain.

There is actually no catch to this question, the answer is simply that a chair would not be a chair if it does not have a back and a seat.

I was also going to add four legs, but then I would not be able to include the ergonomic chairs, as they have five legs that make the chair safer to roll, as an ergonomic chair.

We know that a chair is designed for sitting, as that goes without saying; but most people are not aware that they also need to move their body while sitting, for preventing discomforts in their skeletal body.

Ah you may say, it is so difficult to move around, while you are sitting.

That is not the right answer that I want to hear!

It is easy to move around while you are sitting, all you have to do is breathe in and out; then your body is moving!

When I discuss movement, do not think of it as a physically active as walking or running. These are very physically active movements, which are deigned more for fitness than just getting you skeletal joints moving.

Movement itself can be very, very small that you can barely be aware of the actual movement, such as breathing. But if you take a deep breath, you will feel much more of your body move.

This is a good way to breathe, but not constantly; or you will do something called hyperventilate, which means that you will force too much oxygen into your body.

It means that your body will not have balanced breathing and you may faint or become dizzy with too much oxygen in your body.

However, if you don't breathe adequately, you may also faint; due to a lack of oxygen and too much carbon dioxide in your system that needs to escape.

Your body needs to be balanced in so many ways. It is in fact a very well-designed machine that is built with so many protective mechanisms for helping in survival.

A chair is therefore designed for you to sit on with comfort. But in order to maintain that comfort, your skeletal body has to make some minor movements for you to appreciate the comfort.

The movements can come from taking a deep breath now and again or moving your pelvic bones from side to side. Even giving your body a big stretch now and again will help to provide some active movement to your body, as that is really what movement is really all about.

The author Gail McGonigal is a trained & experienced Occupational Therapist, who has her own website for pain-relieving solutions that are successful in erasing her own pain. Gail has learned to deal with chronic pain, without using medical intervention. Gail wants to show you how she has overcome chronic skeletal pain in postural scoliosis and arthritis in both hands, using genuine pain remedies that she accidentally found to be very successful. Now Gail is able to live a pain-free quality of life naturally through active living. Gail has written articles about her solutions that use her own knowledge, to help erase pain using her own active living solutions. Please contact Gail through her website if you need help to combat your pain for leading an active quality of life.

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