Top Tips for Making Your Office a Better Place to Work

If you find motivation is on the decline in your office and your employees are looking rather fed up then it could well be the environment they're working in which is affecting their mood. What the office looks like and their employer's policies and ethics can also impact on employees' wellbeing. Lists such as the Sunday Times 100 Best Companies and the company behind it, Best Companies, along with accreditations such as Investors in People prove that you care about your employees' working environment, wellbeing and happiness in the workplace. Below are some top tips for making your office a better place for your employees to work.

Invest in ergonomic design states that "back pain is the second most common cause of sickness absence in Great Britain". A major contributing factor to back pain can be the way your employees' desks are set up. If the desks and chairs in your office are not able to be easily adjusted then your employees are likely to be slouching which can cause neck and back pain. Other issues which could affect your team's health are a lack of ergonomic design with computer monitors and other computer accessories such as mouse mats. By allowing team members to customise their desks to suit their height and the way they work, your team can benefit from a better ergonomic design in the workplace.

Make the office more attractive

A messy office full of paper, tea stained desks, wires and clutter won't do much to boost your team's moral. Instead of letting your employees' sit in a dull and uninspiring office, liven the place up and motive them with colours. Yellow, orange and green are all lively colours which could give your employees a creative spark and motivation boost. Hide wires away from view with a smart wire tidy which will also help prevent people tripping over the wires too. Decorative cable trunking can be used to mask wires on walls and you could even choose different colours to complement or contrast with the rest of the office.

Think about the environment

As people's awareness of environmental issues grow, you need to make sure that you're doing your part so your employees' see the company as a responsible and ethical place to work. One way to make your company more eco-friendly is to purchase recycled products. As well as the obvious choices such as paper and other stationary, items such as wire tidies, desks, chairs and other office equipment can all be bought from suppliers offering recycled products. Ensure your employees do their part and recycle paper, cans, plastics and other items such as printer cartridges. Switching off lights and equipment at the end of each day can also enhance your environmental credentials. The Energy Saving Trust has some startling statistics on energy wasted in offices, "almost a third of UK office workers frequently leave their PCs running overnight or over the weekend when they go home, resulting in carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions equivalent to the output of 120,000 4x4 cars."

For more information please visit CMD workplace ergonomic solutions

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